Sunday, April 13, 2008

Star Wars Lovers

I was mindlessly surfing the net and accidentally found these goodies...have a gander at these gems! Apparently there was some sort of contest and people were to come up with ideas for products relating to Star Wars. They made me giggle....
Somehow I can imagine some lovely young Nerd pull up to the local Comicon in his Mary-Kay car
(because that's what his Mom gave him!) in the middle of Summer and pulling this gem out. It's supposed to block the sun out and keep the car cool...quite frankly I think some crook came up with this because it doesn't keep the car cool AND who would be able to see a car getting broke into when Chewy and Hans are at the wheel?
Item number 2... Jabba the Hut "Stress Squishy". For some reason the smell of Doritos, Sweat, and Fungus assault my mind with imagery of a "Rotund" individual stressed out over E-bay bidding. And we all know how stressful that can be! Especially when it's for a limited edition of Princess Leah posed in front of the "Hut" in her Super 'roos...or lack there of.

For all those Backwood Galactic Heroes whom love guns, hunting and the Original Star Wars Trilogy this would be a great find for them. Why bother with the traditional Deer, Tiger, or even Moose decorating the den with a lovely Bantha, TaunTaun, or Wampa Head? Sound super sexy to me!

I don't know why these didn't win runner up in the contest. I think they would be a big hit for all those die hard fans! I can see it now a wonderous Christmas scene; the tree aglow with lights happily twinkling away, stockings hung by the Christmas Tree, fire crackling and the wee geek happily trying on his very own Bantha Slippers. Look out Ladies this young Don Whan is HOT!
Ah yes...I grew up with a bean bag chair it was great, another piece of furniture for my siblings and I to fight over. Yet this version of a Bean bag chair oddly enough creeps me out. And yet it makes me laugh at the same time. Isn't life grand?

Those were my favs from what I found during my mindless adventures touring the web. My apologies to those whom I may offended
, nobodys' perfect!