Friday, May 2, 2008

Taking Baby Steps

I'm always amazed by the area that Richard and I live in. Not far from Downtown Vancouver, and even closer to Burnaby the Fraser River is where we call home. This year alone we've been blessed with a few sitings of Eagles, possibly a Falcon, and unfortunately a dead Seal. All of these things have made me realise that despite being a city dweller Nature still plays a major roll in our lives. I think seeing the dead Seal washed up on shore made me start thinking about how Richard and I can help in our own little way. I have started researching some small things that we could do around the house. Living in an apartment sometimes limits what we can do BUT when there's a will there's definately a way. For starters we're looking at alternative solutions for Cat Litter. Recently we bought crystalised litter but both the cats and I are not impressed and upon further research cat poop is not good to flush ( further research into that issue will have to be done.) The Crystals can also cause lung damage and other health issues, and I love my kitties so if I can help them live a happier life I'll do my very best. There are some environmentally friendly brands out there and thus the hunt begins.

Another issue is our organic waste. Growing up my family always had a compost heap in the backyard, it was so simple and so easy to use. Apparently people in apartments can also compost! This pleases me greatly and will be looking further into this matter. The last thing I want to do is upset our neighbours but apparently we can keep the compost inside if need be. I'm not sure how willing we'll be to have a bunch of worms in the house but if we can manage cats then I think worms should be quite simple! Feed and let them do their thing! How much easier could it be?

Now as for cleansers, soaps, chemicals and other harmful toxic crap that piles up under our sink and is apparently required for keeping a house clean...I think it's all a bunch of CRAP! My take on things is if Grandma could make her own cleansers...SO CAN I! I've checked out David Suzuki's web site: ( and have managed to find some simple ingredients to make my own home cleaning supplies. Some of which I didn't even know I could do and are very simple to make. I had no idea Furniture Polish could be made with a few simple ingredients or that I could make my own toilet cleaner! Look out Toilet Duck Kristi is going to reclaim the throne! HA!

Slowly but surely I hope the little changes we make will help in a much more healthier future. I know the seals happily swimming in the River that we gaze upon every morning will be pleased!

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