Friday, April 11, 2008

Killin' time...

I have a brief moment before heading home to spew some more verbal diarrhea...Jabbawockeez, Munsters what else could I have rolling around in this little cranium? Well, I have moved to a new spot at work...I have a window to gaze out of, unbelievably an umberella over my computer, and a divider so I don't have to talk to the person across from me too. I hate nothing more than making small talk about the weather or what hockey team is going to win the Stanely Cup...pbthhhhhhhhhh. My window view of the brick wall across the way should prove quite stimulating for many great day-dreams! I wonder how many bricks are required to make a sturdy wall? Why are they painted a poo-poo colour of brown? How many street people roll through the alley below...these and many more questions will be answered all in good time. Boy I am really bored! Good thing it's the end of the day AND a Friday...could it get any sweeter? Yes, it could also be Payday! But it's NOT! Boooooooooo...... Let the weekend begin!

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